
Rafique Bhuiyan

journalism & consultant

I am Rafique Bhuiyan. I’d like to introduce myself as journalist because of my professional journalism degree. Despite this, I have a business for educational & immigration consultancy.

rafique bhuiyan

About Me

Sometimes, I’m funny, sometimes very serious, sometimes I think, I know the difference between ‘Human being’
and ‘Being a Human’. I want to spend the rest of my life ‘being a human’.
My Story

I am 50 years of old, but feel like 23. After spring of 2016, every year on December 10 comes up, knocks at my door by saying hello Rafique, you are getting older and now 

During the Corona virus crisis, I was almost pretty much ready to apply for a PhD in Media and Communication related to International Relations.

Because my master’s degree is from this field, from the University of Dhaka and I was trying to blend these two subjects and go for research. But for one good reason, I have changed my mind.

NO PhD. Let’s try to survive 2020 then 2021 might have been much better anyways.

rafique bhuiya canada

What Services I'm Providing

Journalist | Consultant | Achieve Canada


As a Journalist, I have to gather news and spread it through different forms of media. But,we all know practicing Journalism is not the same every where in the world.


I have a business for educational & immigration consultancy service. For abroad student visa & immigration, scholarship etc. I will try to provide you my best service.

Visa Immigration

For educational & immigration consultancy services I have a company name Achieve Canada. We provide student visa, Work Visa, Tourist Visa & immigration services.

5 Minutes with Rafique Bhuiyan

Watch my latest interviews, consultant videos, etc. on my youtube channel.
Follow me on the social media platform to connect with me

Work Experience

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Jogajog24 newspaper has been serving Bangladeshi expatriates since 2008.



Achieve Canada is an immigration consultancy firm that was born in Dhaka in the fall of 2018. The Father of this organization, Rafique Bhuiyan, a Canadian Citizen, initially thought Achieve Canada would work only for people who dream about Canada as students, permanent residents, visitors, or business categories.

My Certificate

I have completed a journalism degree and other educational certificates here.

5 Minutes with Rafique Bhuiyan

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